Wow has it been a long time since I blogged or what?! My blog page had cobwebs and spiders lurking in it. That's what living on FarmTown will do to you. Such a waste of time, but so addicting!
Seriously alot has happened since last I blogged. First and foremost is the shower invitation that Amanda and Gayle (Emily's mother) made for Emily's baby shower in May. We had a blast making the shower invitations and visiting. It was awesome. So seldom do we get to see Gayle now that we have both moved onto different parts of town than the old homey East side!
And I am so envious....I have three wonderful grandsons who I adore as much as can be adored, but she's gonna be grandma to TWO baby girls. Wish there was a granddaughter in my future. Maybe better there isn't because the boys would probably suffer that she was so spoiled! But we wish the best for Mama Emily and for Grandma Gayle!! Stamps are from Stampin Up retired: Soft and Sweet.
I gave up my Stampin Up Coach part time job in January...stress was greatly relieved. I love the product, but don't feel that I am much of a salesperson. I just want to enjoy the hobby again. And I am getting there....Will be stamping up Erik's birthday card later today.
But the biggest news for me is that I have also decided to retire from my day job after 31 years.
I have so much I want to do and I don't want to be stressed out to the nth degree any longer....
so in about 6 weeks I will be able to sleep in, prioritize my health concerns, take a refresher knitting class and crochet class, write the book that begs to be written from within my being, and hopefully keep up with my housework! Oh for the day!!
Wish me luck folks. I'll never know if I sink or swim if I don't make the decision to do it and now I have made the decision, we'll see how it goes. It will definitely mean tightening our belts, but we can do this. Life has always been a challenge for us, what else is new? And if it wasn't we'd be totally bored. I feel better just knowing 6 weeks will pass quickly. But please don't ask me to assist in making your decisions....I have struggled with this for months. I am glad my mind is settled....finally. :)