Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.” —Groucho Marx

My Rating System

I love how other bloggers come up with cute little things to define their rating system.....hearts, mushrooms, stars and many other things.   So I have a rating system that ties in with one of my other favorite activities.....
SLEEPING!   So it came down to winks or pillows and since I address my audience as peeps...can you guess what I chose?   Yeah it had to be WINKS...as in forty winks!  Get it?

5 winks = book well worth losing sleep over (in my humble opinion)
4 winks = great book, close to losing sleep over
3 winks = average read, enjoyable
2 winks = ok read
1 wink = not worth losing sleep over

So that's how I rate 'em as of today!   Now I'm going to bed and huggin' my pillow for forty winks!

Addendum:   I will not review a book with a rating of 1 or two on my blog page.   If I can't say something nice, my lips are sealed!!!

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