It is very few Sundays that my husband and I spend apart. Well once a month I leave him for my Stampin With Heart club meeting. But today, he has left me to my own devices and I am going to update my sorely missed blog and play music to my heart's content. He has gone to see Star Trek with our son for Father's day. The kids took us out to eat at Old Country Buffet, My hubbies favorite place to go and eat. Mandi has begged me not to choose there for Mother's Day, Lol! Wow was it ever packed.! So to all the father's out there, I wish you the happiest of Fathers Days! I still believe in fatherhood and the necessity of both parents in raising children, the American Dream and the good old red white and blue.
My own Dad was just about the best dad I could have ever wished for. Of course I know he spoiled me as I was the only girl, but he had a way about him. He was a considerably handsome man, hard working, great sense of humor. although he didn't appreciate my grandmother comparing him to an arangatang one time when we sent a picture post card home from the San Diego Zoo. LOL! But he was well loved by all five of us kids and I think as we grew older we all gained the wisdom that young adults do, he did the best he could to raise us and we turned out fairly well. I really miss him; I used to call and we would depress each other with our talks about the country going to pot. I miss those conversations and miss asking his opinion on so many things. His opinion seemed far more worthy than my own most of the time. And I miss seeing him at the kitchen table with his bedroom "do" first thing in the morning--coffee, paper, and hair standing up sort of like Kramer on Seinfeld wore his hair. With Kramer it was always mussed, but Dad would comb his eventually and look decent for the day. When he passed, there was an emptiness that will only be filled when we cross over from this life to the next. After I meet Jesus and thank him for all he did and all he provided me with, then I will sit down with my dad over a cup of coffee and have a long awaited visit and a hug!
Until then, I am content to watch my son and my son in law raise their sons, doing the best that they can. I'm grateful to my husband who practically raised our children, while I worked several years well over a forty hour week. And I am thankful for the partnership we have had for over thirty years together. Life has not been without it's trials, but whatever doesn't kill you , only makes you stronger. Or so they say.
The two pictures above are my dad holding four of five children , not sure Dennis was born yet, but he, Dad, was out of lap room. The second is a 4 generation shot of Miff with his dad and grandmother on dad's side and Michael. Also pictured is his youngest brother Georgie.
Again Happy Father's Day to all of you dad's, God love you!