Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.” —Groucho Marx

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Racing to Love by Amy Gregory/RABT (review)

Contemporary Romance
 ( Book 2 in Racing to Love Series)
Date Published: 1/03/2013

Jesse Frost lived the life most men would have killed for. Fast bikes, fame, money and
looks—from the outside looking in he had all, but the combination nearly broke him. He hadn’t thought much about any of those things throughout his career, he was just an easy-going guy from a speck of a town in Texas that had always worked hard for everything he had gotten in life. He’d been the shy guy in school, so when the prom queen found him years later, he thought he had finally made it, winning her affection was the crown jewel. Her mirage however, left him empty and certain there was no one that wanted him just for the man inside.

Emery Kincaid has a last name that is revered in their world. A woman in a man’s world and
succeeding, Irish through and through, she has the temper and sass to boot and a reputation that precedes her. She has remained strong because she’s had no other choice. The pain she masks runs deep and hiding it is the only way she can survive.

Thrown together because of circumstance and forced to be in each other’s space day in and
day out, sparks start to fly—from chemistry and the brakes she tries desperately to throw on. Without a doubt in his mind, Jesse thinks he’s found her, but the girl that stole his heart has a stubborn streak a country mile wide.

In reality, what Jesse doesn’t know could break his heart. Hiding her true feelings for him is the
only way for Emery to protect him and in turn—herself because her secret, her pain is just too big. She barely made it out the first time, if she let Jesse in, only to have him walk away…well, that’s a risk her heart can’t take.

MY Review:

This is the second in Amy's series, Racing to Love and the story centered around Jesse Frost, a bike racer.  He is a strong and decent character and one I could empathize with.   Oh to be young again!     He instantly loses his heart to the woman of his dreams, Emery Kincaid, his bosses beautiful and mechanically gifted daughter.   Emery is Irish through and through and very stubborn and makes no secret she wants to keep everything on a professional level.    There is instant chemistry between the two and a romance is instantly conceived, albeit, surrounded in the most impossible of circumstances.    A battle of wills ensues.
Amy's characters are strong and well developed and it is easy to bond with this group of biker racing friends.

I enjoyed the sweet romance that developed between Jesse and Emery.    It was a fun and easy story to read.   However about three chapters before the end, I was ready to finish the book.   It seemed to get a bit wordy and redundant to me.    That could just be me though so give this book a chance if you enjoy romance.    It is a very heartwarming and sweet romance that will capture your heart!  

Amy Gregory
Author Bio

Amy Gregory leads an incredibly active lifestyle in Kansas City with her husband and their three fantastic kids who keep them running in three very different directions.  When she’s not rushing her oldest daughter to tumbling, her youngest daughter to music lessons, or sitting track-side watching her son practice motocross, she’s taking the few minutes in between to scribble the next pages in her Racing to Love series. 
When asked, “When do you have time to write?” Amy Gregory giggles.  “In bits and pieces,” she says.  
Amy is known for her snarky, off the cuff sense of humor, which you’ll find shining through in the characters she’s created.  Her debut novel, Racing to Love, Carter’s Treasure, is set for release June 7, 2012.
I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and now I’ve finally found it. – Amy Gregory 

Publisher Author Page
Twitter - @AmyGregory548
Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Reading Addiction Blog Tours and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Reading Addiction Blog Tours, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorcements and Testimonials in Advertising*


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for allowing me to visit your blog. I appreciate that thought highly of my characters.

Anonymous said...

It seems like a sweet read, can't wait to check it out.

New follower :)
