A somewhat humorous romance which was quite enjoyable!

A father's love was put to the test.....how far would you go to protect your child?

Romance story...sassy, fast and fun....fairytales can come true.

< Archaealogical Thrillers>

Best romantic read of the month--HOT!!>
Besides being a great month for reading many diverse books, it was also my birthday month. I think it means it's time for a GiveAway! Join the rafflecopter below and guess which day of the month is my actual birthdate. If you're right doesn't mean you will win, but just guess for the fun of it! Good Luck and I hope you win the $10.00 gift card up for grabs!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
you're right! We are on a downhill slide and I'm so not prepared! Haven't heard from you in forever Beth. Hope you're good.
My guess is July 15th.
Belated Happy Birthday.
cenya2 at Hotmail dot com
Goodness, you read a lot!
As for your birthday... Hmm, my family has the 2, 7, 12, 16, 25, 26, 27, & 29th taken so let's go with.... 20th
Any which way - enjoy your day!
My best guess is July 27th :) Happy belated b-day!
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