On June 11, Celia Robert of http://cecereadandwrite.blogspot.com/ tagged me for The Lucky 7 Meme. Thank you, Celia. :)
Here are the rules:
Lucky 7 Meme Rules:
1. Go to page 77 of your current manuscript.
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy the next 7 lines (sentences or paragraphs) and post them as they're written. No cheating!
4. Tag 7 other writers to pass this meme on to.
I chose my current MS called Enchanter, A Young Adult Paranormal Romance Novel, which is current halfway done.
Please don’t tell me this place is haunted. Ghosts? No that couldn’t be the answer to this but what then? This had to be the work of some sick bastard.
What caused my fear to boil over was the fact that there were no objects around large enough to hide a person so where could my assailant be? There was no possible way my attacker was hiding in the shadows because even though it was dark, every time a car drove by its headlights would’ve provided enough light for me to see if there was anyone standing within a few feet of me. But I still couldn’t see anyone.
Writers I'm tagging:
  1. Beth Cutwright@ http://bethartfromtheheart.blogspot.com/
  2. Dakota Cassidy@ http://dakota324.wix.com/dakotacassidy
  3. T. Michelle Nelson@ http://www.tmichellenelson.com/
  4. Stacey Kennedy@ http://www.staceykennedy.com/
  5. Sedonia Guillone@ http://www.sedoniaguillone.com/
  6. Lacey Wolfe@ http://www.laceywolfe.com/
  7. Shilpa Mudiganti@ http://www.smmirza.blogspot.com/