MY Most Anticipated Tour
As it will be my first tour with RABT, Freefall by Susan Rae. I will post the synopsis now and my review will be posted on July 18.

but can she trust undercover DEA agent “Spike” Larsen to deliver them?
Kate Reynolds’s quest to unravel the mystery of her brother’s plane crash throws her into
the turbulent wake of suave pilot/mechanic Everett Larsen. His gray gaze ignites in her a
passion as powerful as a jet stream, but it also sparks a memory—one she can’t quite reel
in. A bitter divorce has taught her to trust no man, so how can she trust Larsen?
Drawn by a cryptic message Keith left on his answering machine, Everett “Spike” Larsen
flies to Milwaukee for answers, but he is unprepared for the torrent of emotion he feels
when he sees Kate—after his wife’s death, he thought himself no longer capable of such
emotion. He is afraid to give into his feelings for Kate—afraid to love again. But when
Kate insists on helping out at her brother’s aircraft repair shop and gets too close to the
truth, he is even more afraid to lose her.
Sounds like a good mystery. New author to me.
So many great tours! So little time! Returning the follow
Wow isn't that the truth, I doubt I will live long enough toread everything I have at my fingertips! Thanks for stopping and following Ladies!
Sounds like a great mystery book :)
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